METRO | Application Information | Part |
1997 - 1995 | All submodels and engines
| EV 3911PFC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 156915 156916 91171580
| |
1994 - 1989 | All submodels and engines
| EV 3910PFC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 156906 156908 96091189 96061189
| |
PRIZM | Application Information | Part |
1997 - 1994 | All submodels and engines
| EV 35010PFC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 156920 8850135001 8850135010 94856112 MR117220 MR149524
| |
1993 | All submodels and engines
| EV 12370PFXC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 156904 94854234
| |
1992 - 1989 | All submodels and engines
| EV 3490PFXC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 94845942 156903 54265 8850101020 8850112350
| |
STORM | Application Information | Part |
1991 - 1990 | All submodels and engines
| EV 939913PFXC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 94380552
| |
TRACKER | Application Information | Part |
1997 - 1994 | All submodels and engines
| EV 40077PFC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 1563114 156907 96068948
| |
1993 - 1989 | All submodels and engines
| EV 40080AC Evaporator Serpentine OEMS
| |
All submodels and engines
| EV 40080PFC Evaporator Plate Fin OEMS 156635 156922 96061884 1562853
| |